Today started out just great! We got up had breakfast just doing the normal things of our day. When very suddenly it made a HUGE turn for the worst allow me to summarize the horrific accident that changed our lives....
It was 10:15 in the morning and Kevin needed a hair cut. So I was glad to do that for him. I was a little bit shaky because I had just gotten back from running but I was trying my hardest to focus and stay calm. I had his whole head done and it looked pretty good we just had to do the finishing touches. So I took all the attachments off of the clippers and I was trimming up his sideburns and neck. We were done but then I noticed that the back needed a little bit more trimming. So I go after that little patch of hair!! And I forgot that I didn't have any attachments on the clippers!!:) So I took a lovely chunk out of my husbands beautiful head of hair!!! I was horrified! Kevin froze, he thought that I was just joking but after careful inspection he realized that it was not a joke after all! So I had to buzz his whole entire head!! I was laughing so hard but at the same time I was crying! I feel just horrible about it!
Kevin has never had his hair buzzed before and I can see why, he has scars everywhere!! He looks like he went through a lawn mower! I am going to have to question his parents to see what exactly this guy did growing up! :) This happened with perfect timing too! Kevin is starting his work this week and is knocking the ghetto! Now he looks scary just like half the people he runs into! He is going to have to wear a hat everyday so that he doesn't look like a threat to anyone! When we first cut it I was really surprised at how harsh it made him look but as the hour went on I realized that it really wasn't that bad! Here are some pictures of the accident and then the after affect! :) I will be lucky if he ever lets me get near him with clippers again!:)