Saturday night Kevin got home from work and he went in to tell the boys good night. He came out a couple minutes later and said that Cahlin felt warm. So we took his temperature and sure enough he had a fever. He did fine through the night and morning but then Sunday afternoon he got a fever of 104.3. So, we put him in the tub to get him to cool down. It worked he cooled off to 102. So, he was exhausted and needed to sleep so we laid him down about 20 minutes later he woke up FREAKING out he was having spasms and hallucinating. It was really really scary and hard to see. Finally he quit and he was fine, he acted like he didn't know what just happened. His temp was at 99 degrees. So, we laid him back down and it happened again. After this we called the doctor and he told us to NEVER put him in the tub again for a fever. It makes them cool down to quickly and their bodies basically go into shock and that happens. I am writing this so that all of you know NOT to put your kids in the tub for fevers. It's very scary and horrible to see.
On a lighter note here is a cute video of our boys this morning. Keep in mind Cahlin is not feeling very well and that's why his poor little face is so sad.
11 years ago
That is too cute!!!
And Soooooo sad about Cahlin! I've never heard not to put them in the tub. I've always heard to give them a shallow, warm bath...we totally did that to Jake!! Poor little guy was too little to say anything about hallucinations...
I'm glad he's ok!
I'm so sorry! That's so scary. I'm glad that he's okay!! He's such a cute kid.
Oh my goodness! That is super scary! I am so sorry Brittney - for you all. When Ciera and Abby had pneumonia 2 years ago. We put Abby in the bath - and yes, a similar thing happened. I didn't know why though. Thanks for sharing.
And Eyan is sooooo cute!
Febrile seizures are so scary! It is scary that kids can get so warm that they will actually have seizures. I am glad to know that you are not supposed to put them in the tub, I did not know that either... Hope the poor little guy is doing better. By the way--what did the dr say you are supposed to do? Just give them meds?
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