Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Steps

This is super late, and everyone knows that Eyan has been walking forever. But I"m trying to post all the things that we did this summer and I came across this video and I just had to post it! Isn't he just so super cute! I love him so much! I'm so grateful for my little boys. They are the joys of my life!

This last week Eyan started going to Nursery! He did such a great job! We went in and he sat right down and started playing no good byes or even a little bit of crying... It would have made Kevin and I feel better if he would have at least said goodbye! :) He's such a big boy! I can't believe how old he is getting! We are proud of him for being so tough and making the transition into Nursery smoothly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brittney that is so cute! you have some adorable boys!! i love cahlin's smile in his photo on the the sidebar on your blog.