Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Been too long...

I am sitting here looking at my blog tonight thinking how sad it's become. How sad it is to me that I have let the little memories that my boys have made slip from my mind. I look at the mess of pictures that I have sitting in files on this computer and it makes me sad. I feel like I haven't been the greatest of moms as of lately. I feel like my eyes are opening for the first time in a while and I am realizing that I'm not cutting it as the mom that I want to be. I should try harder to be what they need me to be. I need to work harder at the little things that matter so much to them. Here are some more recent pics of them loving each other. These are my best moments in life. When they aren't at each others throats! Thanks for listening to me rant tonight. I must be in a mood! :)

1 comment:

The MK Crew said...

LOVE those "mom payday" moments! And,for what it's worth, I think you are a great mom!