Saturday, December 20, 2008

After we did our Project we did the cousins gift exchange and the presents that Kevin's parents got for the kids. Kevin's parents always do such a great job! Our kids are so blessed to have such wonderful Grandparents!
Kennin had Cahlin for Christmas this year. As you can tell he got a Thomas book and some toy soldiers! He was soooo excited!!!
This was Cahlin's present from Grandma and Grandpa! He absolutely loves it. It gets parked by his bed every single night.
I can't remember exactly who had Eyan for Christmas but he got this cute little train...
And this little radio that lights up! He loves both and plays with them every day!
Eyan's present from Grandma and Grandpa. It was so cute to see his little face when he got his presents you could tell he was so excited to have new toys!

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