Friday, December 19, 2008

Sunday came and we found ourselves doing Christmas Trains! I didn't get to participate because we were doing a musical number in Sacrament and I needed to practice like crazy! So I was at the church and running around with my head chopped off! I asked Kevin to take pictures and he took TONS of pictures! I am thankful that he took the pictures so seriously!!
Grandpa, Bridger, Caloway and Whitney with their Train.
I loved this picture of Alan. Sorry, but I had to post it!!:)
Kevin, Lynette, Becca, Makenna and Savanna starting their train.
Katy, Cahlin and Kennin did a train together. It was themed the Polar Express!
Down the table!
I don't know who's train this is but it was decked out!! Good job guys!Cahlin's train with Katy and Kennin. They did a great job... every time that I saw Cahlin he was shoving candy in his mouth! Oh well... he was having fun!This was Kevin's train. It was a Hawaiian train. They made a palm Tree and they had a pond too.I think this was Grandpa's train.

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