Christmas morning was great!! We had a ton of fun with the boys.

Cahlin had a blast and couldn't open up his things fast enough. Eyan on the other hand was very distracted. The first toy was the best of all until we finally got him to open another one and then the next would be the best thing ever and the first would be ditched along the side!

We are so thankful to our family members who helped make our Christmas so special and bright! We love you so much! After presents we all sat down to my mom's famous Christmas morning breakfast. She makes this awesome Christmas souffle ( when I was a kid I refused to eat it) makes orange rolls, cuts oranges and we have egg nog! I love it! I love Christmas!

Now that I'm finally getting around to writing about it I'm finding that I'm sad it's over already. Here's some pics and videos for you all to enjoy!

Here's a video of Cahlin and Eyan right when they came out for the morning. For those of you that don't know, Cahlin has had this little stuffed Geraffe that he has had since he was born. His name is Jeffery. About 6 months ago, Cahlin had lost Jeffery number 2. When he sat on Santa's lap this year the only thing he requested was a new Jeffery. I have to admit it made my heart hurt, I realized that he had been missing him this whole entire time. So, Santa delivered and Cahlin got a new Jeffery! This video shows his reaction. It's very special! Enjoy!
Ok so after 2 very long tries the video won't load. Sorry! :) anyways, enjoy the story!