Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Random things

Sunday afternoon we went out to my Aunt Sara's house. We were all just having a good time eating dinner and the kids were playing outside. Cahlin loves to play out at their house because there is a lot of space and she has 2 boys so he really just gets to be a boy. Everyone was just having a good time when all of a sudden we hear someone crying. It didn't sound like Cahlin so I let the other parents go inspect the situation. Turned out it was Cahlin. He was so upset it didn't even sound like him. He had been sung 2 times by a wasp. The boys decided it would be fun to throw rocks at the hive! I guess he learned his lesson! Anyways, This was Cahlin first offical sting! Poor kid!

Eyan hardly ever lets us snuggle him to sleep. The other day we were over at Melinda's helping her can. ( we didn't really help) And Eyan was so tired. We were headed home in about 5 minutes and he just passed out on Kevin's shoulder. It was so cute I had to have a picture.


Jessica said...

Oh poor Cahlin, I hate being stung myself! It is so hard to watch your kids cry, well...I only have one, so kid cry:) And I love that picture of Eyan and Kevin! It is absolutely adorable! I always make sure to catch those pictures when Brielle falls asleep on Trav's shoulder because they are precious! However she loves to cuddle, so I have many pictures!!! Hope all is going well with you guys! Your family pictures turned out wonderful! Have a great day!

Love, Jess

the h fam. said...

poor little guy!! i hate hornets and bees!

Cody and Jill said...

I am likeing the fall backround and family pictures all in white shirts and jeans

sorry about the hornets that bits

Kendra said...

Poor little guy! I hate bees/hornets/wasps...and it is sooo hard to watch your little guys cry and be hurt! Payton had to get stitches one time in his cheek and it was a HORRIBLE experience! Cahlin's poor little face in that picture! You can just tell he is upset!

Kendra said...

Hey! I am changing my blog to reader only, so I need your e-mail address so that I can add you. send it to me k?
PS also, will you try and pass along to shawna Z. That I want to read her blog, and don't know how to contact her! my e-mail is kelliott826@gmail.com
that way she can add me to her blog. Thanks!!!

Savannah said...

Did Cahlin just have a birthday? Isn't it strange that we have 3 year olds??? :)

Sorry about his bee sting. I got my first one about a year ago, and I still remember how much it hurts!