Sunday, November 16, 2008


Ok, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of looking at my Thanksgiving Blog! Hurry up and come already! I want to change to Christmas and snow! Not that I really want it to snow but I want the spirit of Christmas! I have decided that I won't push it to much, I will keep my fall blog until Thanksgiving BUT I need Christmas music. So you can find all your Christmas tune needs here! I found a new blog template website. it has pretty cute backgrounds you can see the site on my blog. But, they also have headers that match the background. BUT she doesn't tell you how to install it. So when you apply it to your header the text is clear at the top of the picture and it looks horrible! So if any of you know how to make the text go down please enlighten me!!! Also you can change your text to something better than what blogger allows! You can find the link on my page as well! Good luck! Anyways, I hope that everyone is well and getting excited for the Holidays, I know I am!!


Josh and Amber said...

I love christmas music! I'm so glad you've provided some for me! My husband won't let me play any yet, and I don't really have any, so when I need some christmas enlightenment now I know I can just come to your blog:)!!! I love the Holidays!!!

the h fam. said...

i am SO excited to decorate for christmas! ben however thinks the tree should go up christmas eve and come down after new year's! how boring is that? i told him i refused to do all that work of decorating for a week! i'm glad i can turn to your blog for some spirit of christmas cuz my hubby sure ain't giving me any!

Trish said...

Thanks for the Christmas music! I have been playing the piano every spare minute I get. And I do love your background and fonts. How fun!

Zajanc Family said...

I am also sooo excited for Christmas!! I want to put some of my stuff out now but Jordan insists that we wait till at least the day after Thanksgiving...:( Thanks for the Christmas music, my favorite!