Today was our first Sunday of the new year! We are VERY excited that our church is now at 11!!! For us it is the perfect time! We can lolly gag and take our time getting ready in the morning and we are all much more happy! I'm not really a morning person, I have a hard time when we have to be somewhere early. Also, today was Cahlin's very first day in SUNBEAMS!! We have been prepping him for a while now and this week we talked about it a lot more with him. He has been excited all week long. When we walked into the Primary room he bravely sat down next to his class mates and talked with his teacher. He has always been good about giving us hugs and kisses. I got mine and Kevin was already out the door but Cahlin made him come back for hugs and kisses. Then he was ready to venture off into Primary! I'm not gonna lie... my eyes watered and it was hard to see him get older. We were glowing with pride as we watched from the door way, our little boy sitting reverently listening to the Primary President.We had a number of teachers tell us that he did well. We are so proud of Cahlin. He is such a good boy and he has a great spirit about him. We love having him as our son and he makes us proud every single day.
11 years ago
That is so sweet. I am proud of Cahlin too. We had the total opposite experience today. Lincoln just turned 3 in December so he is a young Sunbeam. I sit behind him in sharing time (CTR 5 teacher) and he could not sit still, peed his pants, kicked the boy next to him, walked all around. Oooooh. How I wish I had a sweet Cahlin experience today instead!
Love the primary music!
That is so sweet! I wonder how Payton would handle that...he gets mad when we go to the church and he doesn't get to go into the nursery right away. In fact, we went for a baptism one Saturday and had to leave because he pitched a fit.... :) He is so cute! Payton was really disappointed that he didnt get to play with him at the reception the other night.
It is always nice to be able to give those kinds of compliments and it makes it so much easier to want to be there. We you must be doing something right way to go parents.
Sumbeam teacher.
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