Friday, January 30, 2009


We have decided to try out a new hair do for Kevin... not that his hair do is bad at all. It's just that he's had the same one since we was like 15. So we are trying out the foe-hawk... he's got kinda mixed feelings about it. I love it and I think it looks hot. But, I told him we would put it to a vote. Yes, we value your opinion that much!!! :) So please tell us what you think! And which do you like better!!!!


Trish said...

Looove it! Look how happy he is about it!

Liz said...

O.K. it feels weird to tell your sister-in-law how her husband looks, BUT he certainly looks good either way. If he wants a change, go for it! OR foe-hawk it when you're in that kind of mood! I guess I'm not being very helpful, other than now you know I think you look good both ways! :)

Joseph and Kimberly said...

Joe likes the old do better. I think that the old way looks more professional and the new way more fun and edgy. Maybe you could do it different for what you are doing.

Mille said...

The picture is kind of hard to really see because of that dark hair! But I think both ways look great.

Kelcie said...

I like it. If it stays, I would say do it. Devon's hair won't do anything, so if you can make it stay, go for it!

Cody and Jill said...

i like the new look as a proffesional hair stlyist you should listen to me HAHAHA!!! any ways he looks either way but i am doing cody's hair different for a while and i like the change

The Adams Family said...

I say the old look for professional days and the new look for funny and out and about days with the fam !:)