Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Not gonna lie....

If my husband could move like Michael Jackson used too... well, I'd be a lucky girl!!! :) When Michael Jackson died, it's true I didn't really think twice about it. I didn't read anything about it or get into his life at all. But then I was talking to my friend Ashley, about his death and she was saying that he was really a very talented singer even as a kid.So, here I am at 1 in the morning with no husband around so I'm resisting going to bed and I'm looking up Michael Jackson music videos! Turns out she was RIGHT!! He was awesome! And actually I really do like quite a few of his songs too! As I was doing so I stumbled across this video and I loved it. Now, to explain... Kevin's got the singing voice down. I'm happy with that BUT his dance moves are a bit on the rusty side... ok.. the non-exsistant side.. :) and don't get me wrong, I love him with or without dancing skills but I'm tellin ya, if I saw him move like this just once, I'd be happy for the rest of my life!!!! WOW!! ;) I don't care who you are, this is awesome and don't kid yourselves girls you wish your husbands moved like this too! lol ;)


Shayna said...

I could watch MJ dance ALL DAY LONG! I am a huge fan. I just wish that video had the original music!

Kevin said...

I CAN dance like this, she's just mad that I won't wear a sequin jacket, and high waters in public!

Ashley Reno said...

Kevin...I feel a Halloween costume coming on. Get to practicing those moves! :)
Michael Jackson is so talented. I really wish that he would have had a better reputation. I really hope that his kids will turn out normal.

Liz said...

I enjoy MJ doing his moves, but I don't really want Jeff to move like that! That would just look wrong because he's so dang tall and skinny!!!

Anonymous said...

i love michael jackson's music and dancing! he's one-of-a-kind. you should check out wade robson. he is a huge fan of mj and can dance exactly like him. he also choreographs for so you think you can dance. one of my favorite choreographers. he's awesome!

Alan and Lynette said...

You're out of control... :)I have to say (despite all the MJ fan mail listed above) that there are things I like about his dance moves but I'd rather listen to his early songs than WATCH him...