We have decided to try out a new hair do for Kevin... not that his hair do is bad at all. It's just that he's had the same one since we was like 15. So we are trying out the foe-hawk... he's got kinda mixed feelings about it. I love it and I think it looks hot. But, I told him we would put it to a vote. Yes, we value your opinion that much!!! :) So please tell us what you think! And which do you like better!!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
We have decided to try out a new hair do for Kevin... not that his hair do is bad at all. It's just that he's had the same one since we was like 15. So we are trying out the foe-hawk... he's got kinda mixed feelings about it. I love it and I think it looks hot. But, I told him we would put it to a vote. Yes, we value your opinion that much!!! :) So please tell us what you think! And which do you like better!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
10 months and Teething

* Eyan loves to carry things in his mouth, he loves to crawl and is trying really hard to figure out how to balance standing. He LOVES his brother. He thinks anything Cahlin does is the greatest thing! He loves to eat almost anything! Except for solid Carrots! :) I am looking forward to his birthday so much! And I can't wait until he doesn't have to have formula anymore!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
4th picture tag

I tag... Trisha, Mary, Dawn, Savanna, and Mackenzie! have fun!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Pie and Music

Here ya go folks! I found this online, I was looking for reciepes for Valentines Day. I think this would be a great dessert if you are staying in for V-Day! enjoy!
- 1 Tablespoon water
- 1 Package BAKER'S Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate (8 squares) coarsely chopped ( I just broke them up)
- 1 Cup whipping cream
- 6 Tablespoon seedless raspberry jam divided
- 1 OREO Pie Crust (6 oz)
- 2 Cups raspberries
- MICROWAVE chocolate and whipping cream in medium bowl on HIGH 2 min. or until chocolate is almost melted, stirring every minute. Beat with wire whisk until chocolate is completely melted and mixture is well blended. Add 2 Tbsp. of the jam; mix well.
- POUR into crust; cover. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight.
- ARRANGE raspberries on top of pie. Microwave remaining 1/4 cup jam and the water in small microwaveable bowl on HIGH 30 sec.; stir until well blended. Brush over raspberries. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
- Size-Wise: Enjoy one serving of this indulgent dessert with friends and family on a special occasion.
- Make Ahead: Pie can be prepared ahead of time. Cover and freeze up to 2 days. Place in refrigerator to thaw about 2 hours before serving.
Ok, I am sorry that I have to do this to everyone BUT I need a little break from mushy love music! So, I am putting on a fun song for the day. I just need to get up and dance every now and then! It was driving me nuts just having sllloooowww love songs! Kevin laughs at me because I"m supposed to put sweet songs on here or music that pertains to our family. But I can't help it I like fun music that makes you just want to move!!! I love a good beat to listen to while you
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Scrap Pages

Monday, January 19, 2009
We also went for a little Sunday drive yesterday, up in the hills of Pocatello. It's fun to drive around here because we don't really know any of the sights around town! So, it was fun to see what we could do this summer!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
bye bye nap time... :(

Well folks, it's happened. My days of having a 3 hour break in the middle of the day and having peace and quiet, where I could just do whatever I wanted... are over :( I've seen it coming for a couple weeks now. I know, I know, I have been lucky to have Cahlin take naps for as long as he has. He has always been the best sleeper. But, it's over now... for now on I will always have someone awake in the afternoons....sigh....
But, it's also good news. I'm really excited for it to start getting warmer because now Cahlin can have tons of fun in the afternoon playing in the summer sun! Oh well, I guess he's gotta stop taking them sometime... why not now? And hey... at least Eyan still takes his naps!
* Also, Kevin thought this picture was of Eyan... I guess that Dad even gets mixed up sometimes!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Cute things
Our attitudes are so much happier now! We had time to get over our attitudes. And we are all friends once again. I don't want to strangle Cahin anymore! And that makes me very happy!
Today we gave Eyan some canned Carrots for lunch. He's never had canned carrots before. I usually steam them for him but this is easier. So, here's a video of how much he liked them... or didn't like them. We think it's pretty funny!
Also, I am going to do a love song marathon. :) Until Valentines day , I will have a different love song playing everyday! :) ( I know I'm a dork! But I love it!)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ticking Bomb

I know I'm usually pretty happy on here but today I feel like I'm gonna blow. So, just fair warning this is not a happy post... this is my time to vent. Bare with me.
I HATE when my 3 year old seems to think that he needs to defi every single thing that we do. I HATE back talk... oh... it boils my blood. I'm so sick of the arguing and the bargaining. I HATE that with every single thing that we do Cahlin wants to do the opposite. If I say we are having pancakes for breakfast he freaks out and wants cereal... if I say we are having cereal he freaks out and wants pancakes. If I suggest he wear his white shirt today, he refuses and wants his red shirt. If I ask if he wants to do puzzles or play a game and he refuses to answer so I pick puzzles he freaks out because he wants to play a game. I HATE fighting him to brush his teeth! He is 3 years old!!! I have been brushing his teeth for almost 3 years and he still fights it! Don't you think it's about time he thought... hey this is gonna happen twice a day for the rest of my life... I should get used to it!! But NO!!! It's always a fight!
Now I don't want you to think that I don't give Cahlin the chance to do these things for himself... I let him brush his teeth first, I let him choose what's for breakfast first, I let him choose his shirt,or which activity to do!!! But lately he seems to think that he is the king of the castle and doesn't have to do any of it!!!!!!!! I am so SICK of having to defend MY title!! I'M THE MOM!! I'M THE BOSS!
This has just been in the last 4 or 5 days that he has been really acting up too! He's usually not like this. If I let him choose and give him plenty of notice he's just fine.
Yesterday morning he freaked out for 2 HOURS because we decided to make pancakes and then he decided he wanted cereal! For the last 3 nights he hasn't gone to bed until 10 because he is to busy freaking out because he lost privileges because he wouldn't get ready for bed!

Also, Eyan is teething so between Cahlin freaking out because his shoes are too tight or because he doesn't have the right spoon and Eyan crying non stop because his poor little gums hurt. I think all of my hair is going to fall out, I'm going to get bags under my eyes, and I 'm going to admit myself to the corner of my room and never come out.
Now that I'm done ranting and raving, I still don't feel any better. But I know that Cahlin will do something nice and amend himself... in the mean time I need to hold my temper in. Wish me luck.
**** I swear I don't hit my children. I am usually very calm with him and understanding. I promise I won't do anything to harm them. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
2008 in Review
So now here is two thousand eight in review.
We started off two thousand eight in
With one in the oven, and I don’t mean a cake,
On March twenty fifth, Eyan Jones came around
Length: twenty inches, weight: nine ounces, six pounds.
Having two kids kept mom and dad stressing,
And at two weeks old, we gave Eyan a blessing
After having the baby, we moved to the east coast,
But with just a few weeks in between it was close.
We packed up our things in our poor little car,
Two thousand miles, with two kids is too far,
But the bonus of driving cross country we get,
Is to stop off to see Alan, Jake and Lynette.
After such a long drive, our new beds felt so soft,
And dad’s hair got too long, so mom shaved it all off.
Not on purpose of course, we didn’t want it all gone,
But the guard on the hair clippers wasn’t left on.
After being in
There were too many people in dad’s office to stay.
So mom packed up our things in just one afternoon,
And we moved up to
In July mom got homesick, and again we did pack,
We left dad in
On the flight back to
But we had to get home to see Robert’s wedding.
In August:
And being there brought more surprises than one.
Dad’s family had pitched in to buy a plane ticket,
And dad came to see us for a quick two day visit.

Dad went back to
Then he’d drive back in three weeks to stay home for good.
When he got back we stayed with Katrina and Mike,
While dad found a job doing something he likes.
Dad got a job selling radio spots,
And Eyan got two teeth, he uses a lot,
Next, Cahlin’s Birthday, he now would be three,
And mom made a Spiderman cake you can see.
In November we moved, it’s enough to cause tears,
That we’ve lived in ten houses, in just these four years.
We’ve loved having family so close together,
And having the chance see them whenever.
Like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Thanksmas and New Years,
And we’d like to say this to everyone who hears:
We hope that this last year was one full of cheer,
And wish all of you a happy new year!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Favorite things...
Ok so I know this is totally random but for some odd reason I am really excited about some of these crazy things today!First off is... Max Fresh Colgate Toothpaste! Has anyone used this? It's freaking AWESOME! I kid you not! It feels like you are using mouthwash to brush your teeth

Scentsy! For those of you that aren't familiar with the Scentsy products heres their website...SCENTSY It's a

The BACHELOR!!! This is by far my favorite show! Over the past couple of

So, just a few fabulous things that I am excited about! Hope everyone has a freaking AWESOME Friday and weekend! I'm so glad that the weekend is here! I get to have a husband tomorrow night and we get to play with family on Sunday! So long folks!:)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Mom has to let go :(
Today was our first Sunday of the new year! We are VERY excited that our church is now at 11!!! For us it is the perfect time! We can lolly gag and take our time getting ready in the morning and we are all much more happy! I'm not really a morning person, I have a hard time when we have to be somewhere early. Also, today was Cahlin's very first day in SUNBEAMS!! We have been prepping him for a while now and this week we talked about it a lot more with him. He has been excited all week long. When we walked into the Primary room he bravely sat down next to his class mates and talked with his teacher. He has always been good about giving us hugs and kisses. I got mine and Kevin was already out the door but Cahlin made him come back for hugs and kisses. Then he was ready to venture off into Primary! I'm not gonna lie... my eyes watered and it was hard to see him get older. We were glowing with pride as we watched from the door way, our little boy sitting reverently listening to the Primary President.We had a number of teachers tell us that he did well. We are so proud of Cahlin. He is such a good boy and he has a great spirit about him. We love having him as our son and he makes us proud every single day.