Today is our little Eyan Riley's very first birthday!! Last year at this time, I was having contractions up the wazoo, and I was getting VERY angry because I wasn't getting my epidural... see folks I'm not one of those girls that wanted to TRY and do this naturally... no no, that's not for me. I didn't want ANY pain. NONE. My whole life I had been TERRIFIED of having a baby. So, I would rather just kick back and breeze through it. I was put in the hospital at 10 in the morning and induced, they broke my water right away and then didn't get my epidural til 1:45!!! Talk about a bad deal. I realized that I actually didn't feel any contractions worth talking abou

t with Cahlin's labor. The beginning of Eyan's truly was HORRIBLE!!! Anyways, long story short, he was born and 3:43 PM! I was in labor for 5 short hours! Funny fact, Cahlin was born at 3:34 PM and Eyan 3:43! Crazy? Eyan weighed 6 lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long.
Eyan now weighs 20 lbs! He's a small guy but he can hold his own! Eyan loves to play with his brother and he loves his doggie! he...
* drinks out of a sippy
* crawls, and can balance
* Eats all foods
*LOVES bananas
*says please, all done and waves bye
* can clap
* And give five!
He is so smart and cute. We love him so much and are so blessed to have his sweet spirit in our home. We couldn't ask for better kids. He always puts a smile on my face! We love you Eyan!!

For Eyan's party we had everyone come over and we had hogies and cake. Then we went over to a Party Place and let the kids play on a HUGE play place.Eyan LOVED his cake. He picked the whole piece up and went after it. He was nothing but smiles the whole day!! I think he really likes being the center of attention. At the party place Eyan sat on a little airplane the whole time and just pushed the buttons and drove the plane! Thanks to everyone who came! Eyan loves you all!!!
This morning we had the traditional "Rolly Pancakes" for breakfast, This was Eyan's first time having them and he loved them! Tonight Gpa and Gma Hughes are coming over to have dinner with the birthday boy! We're excited for them to see our home... Kevin and I have been married for 4 years and they have NEVER been to any of our homes! Should be fun!